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Play Place Updates - Effective May 13, 2024

Play Place Updates Letter & Info Sheet.pdf
An image of a community center's operations updates, detailing changes to their play place, infant care, and communication system, effective May 13, 2024.

 April 26, 2024

Dear Families,

We hope this letter finds you well. We are writing to inform you about some exciting changes happening within Play Place that will enhance the experience for both you and your children.

In recent years, Play Place has undergone significant changes to adapt to the evolving needs of our community. We appreciate your unwavering support and patience throughout this process. Your feedback has been invaluable as we strive to provide the best possible care for your children.

As part of our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible care, we are aligning with industry standards and making adjustments to better serve our community. One significant change is the transition away from our previous reservation system GroupExPRO. While GroupExPro served us well, we encounter limitations in its functionalities, particularly with verifying children’s ages and user difficulties trying to reserve spots for multiple children.

Moving forward, we will be returning to the structure of Play Place that was in place prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. All 14 spots will be available on a first come, first served basis for drop-off. We believe this adjustment will streamline the process and ensure fair access to our services.

Additionally, we are thrilled to announce that we will now be accepting infants into our program. Recognizing the need for quality infant care, we will offer space for two infants on a first come, first served basis within a 90-minute period. With the addition of 2 infants, we still have a maximum capacity of 14. This new service allows us to cater to the needs of more families within our community.

In line with these changes, we are also implementing a new communication system called Remind during visits to the EACC. This platform will enable our childcare staff to stay connected with you more efficiently through text messages and the Remind app messaging system. We are confident that this technology will facilitate clearer and more timely communication between our staff and families.

At the heart of these updates is our commitment to our community. We value each family that entrusts us with the care of their children and we are dedicated to making decisions that benefit the community as a whole. These changes are designed to enhance the quality of our services and ensure that every child receives the attention and care they deserve.

We understand that change can sometimes be challenging, but we believe these updates will ultimately improve the experience for everyone involved. Your feedback and support are vital to us as we continue to evolve and grow.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. We look forward to continuing to serve you and your children under these new arrangements. The changes to Play Place will begin to take place on May 13th, 2024. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


Warm Regards,

Dean Campos

Executive Director

Eaton Area Park & Recreation District